
Half-Term Reading and Writing Awards

This morning we held our half-termly assembly where Mr Boulton awards certificates for reading and writing.

These awards are given for a multitude of reasons. For writing, the child may have made the most progress, modelled the best learning behaviors or produced a fantastic piece of work. For reading, they might have explored new genres, modelled a great relationship with books, or progressed their comprehension skills.

Reception, Year 1 &2, 3


The winners are Hari, for recognising and blending all the letters and sounds we have learnt so far and his enthusiastic approach to guided reading.

Raihan for reading with fluency and expression to an excellent standard. He has a great understanding of what he reads.

Vihaan for his amazing fluency and developing comprehension skills really rapidly to the point where he is asking really good questions.

Ilyas because he reads fluently and adds expression perfectly. Mr Boulton and the entire class loved hearing him read the class text, The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Roman is not pictured as he was at his music lesson.
Years 4,5 and 6


This half-term certificates are awarded to Ehsan. He shows good understanding of what he reads and is beginning to show that he can work out clues in the text.

Zakariya, who clearly enjoys reading a wide range of books and is able to speak knowledgeably about the books he has read.

In year 6, a certificate was awarded to Roman, who is reading with increased confidence and maturity and shows a good understanding of the texts that he reads.


Certificates are awarded to boys from Y1-6.

First up, was Adam who has a great vocabulary and is working hard to present his ideas in written sentences. He is enjoying using the phonic monsters to help his segment his words.

Tegh wrote a brilliant story; he built tension and made the adults who read it smile with its quality.

Toby’s enthusiasm for writing was recognised. He writes regularly at home, and we think we have a budding author on our hands!

Years 4,5 and 6


The award went to Ayaan, who has made a promising start to the year and is writing with confidence. His work is always beautifully presented.

Hasan, who makes fantastic structures when story-writing and sophisticated use of language. He displays a really mature style and has some super ideas.

Abdulloh, writes in a very mature style and to a high standard, whatever the task.